Sunday, May 26, 2013

26 May 2013.

This past week has been a blast, pretty fun. It started off Monday, we were able to go to Hastings for my license test. It is always fun to have P-day with more people than just you and your companion. But there was some bad news that happened too. The warrant of fitness was not updated on the car so I had no chance to take the test. All I can say is this must be what the Lord wants.

{Elder Nevitt in his bike helmet}
Then on Tuesday, my Soa and I went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders. It's really good to be able to out with other people. We both went to Napier this time which is good; I like spending time with my trainer/father. But an experience we had while I was with Elder Smith was gross. We were able to go up to these peoples home and the lady seemed very interested and told us to come back where she lived with her boyfriend. We were talking to both of them and the guys told Elder Smith, "I wouldn't step there, that is where I do all my vomiting." I couldn't even stop looking at the place that he said. Elder Smith's new shoes had vomit all over them. I wanted to vomit, and you know how I am with vomit around me. I was just praying please don't let this guys vomit and let Elder Smith what to say--I'm still scared to talk!!!

{Elder Nevitt's new favorite Tip Top Ice Cream}
Then we had Zone Conference on Thursday! I loved it. I got to see all the missionaries in my zone and talk to them. And the best thing was that President Kezerian was able to talk to us about what we needed to hear. The one thing I remember was always to have this question in mind: What is the next ordinance that this person needs? This question is for everyone in the gospel and for people that have not heard the gospel. From the ordinance of baptism and the ordinance of receiving the priesthood.

{Elder Nevitt's holy pants}
Right after Zone Conference I started another exchange with my District Leader and his companion. That night while I was riding someones bike I heard a loud ripping sound. It happened when I put my leg up to ride the bike. My suit pants ripped!!!!!!!! This means I am getting fat!!! NOOOOOOO.. Well the pants were a little tight, they were the ones I found in my flat so nothing that I bought has ripped yet--that is good news.
{Elder Kavea}
Saturday night our exchanges ended and we went back home it was great being back in our own flat just my companion and me. While I was preparing my talk for tomorrow my Soa had something to tell me. He said I wanted to tell you earlier but I didn't know how. So I started thinking what am I going to tell President? But then he went on and said that he received a call from Elder Smith, one of my Zone Leaders, and he told him that he is being transferred!! I will be getting a Tahitian companion. This brought me to tears. I do not like change. I couldn't focus on what my talk was going to be on. I didn't even fall asleep till about 12. But last night my Soa got a cold of some sort with a bad headache and fever and asked for a blessing of comfort. The Lord works in many different ways. By giving him the blessing I was comforted as well and know that getting a new companion is the right thing.

I love my trainer; I am sad that he is leaving me but it is for the best. I love you Elder Kavea. So I just want to say I love you family, the church is true.

444 God will support!!! Love, Elder Nevitt

I cannot believe Mom and Papa got a calling to teach institute. Are you going to keep going because they are teaching? And Monte and Julie moved, what the heck!!!

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